May 11, 2022

Essential Summer Boating Tips

Boating tips to ensure you have the best summer!

Essential Summer Boating Tips

Finally, those warmer and longer days aboard the boat have arrived. Summer is an excellent season to create memories, particularly on the water. We've compiled a list of boating ideas to help you make the most of your summer.

(Source: BOATSmart)

Goodbye Winter, Hello Summer 

Boating season comes into full swing in the summertime, so you may have eased off a bit during the winter. Do a routine check-in on your vessel and be sure there are no issues that need to be addressed. Reapply the finish to the hull to protect it, and complete any tasks you had planned for the winter.

Safety, Safety, Safety

Given how busy the waterways become during the summer, plan ahead before going out for the day. 

- Make sure there are enough life jackets on board. This is required by law, and if you are pulled over, you may receive a ticket from the coast guard. 

- Dress for the weather and bring extra clothing just in case.  

- Fill a cooler with readily accessible water. In extremely hot weather, staying hydrated is critical!

- In large doses, the sun is bad for you and can even be harmful, as UV rays can cause skin cancer. Remember to bring plenty of sunscreen to keep your skin protected.

- Make sure you have a communication device on hand in the event of an emergency. 

Be Mindful of Traffic

One of the few disadvantages of summer boating is the amount of traffic on the water. You must be aware of other people on the water, give other boats plenty of room, and adhere to the posted speed limit. Be aware of your surroundings and share the water. The waterways can get as busy as a high way during rush hour traffic so be smart about when you choose to cruise.

Explore New Areas

Make it a point to cruise to new destinations with your friends this summer. Make new experiences with those you want to create memories with by trying new things and going to new places. Summer is all about going new locations, and it should ideally become a yearly goal for you.


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